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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Interview with Vasilyev Igor Lvovich, the Deputy Chairman of USURT Admissions Committee


We talked to the Deputy Chairman of USURT Admissions Committee to receive some information about innovations for applicants this year, what it is necessary to know about the University entrance and a way to decide on the choice of a future profession for students.

- Igor Lvovich, is the Admissions Committee ready to accept applicants? Until what time can students apply for admission to the University?  

- Yes, the Admissions Committee is ready for a long time! Since June 15 the documents on extramural form of learning on government-financed places are accepted, since June 17 we begin accept the documents on programs of secondary professional education and since June 20 on the government-financed places of higher education.

By results of the USE it is possible to submit the application and documents until July 26 for bachelor’s programs and specialist programs. There are different conditions on programs of master’s degree and postgraduate degree.  On the secondary professional education programs it will be possible to apply the documents to the middle of August, including government-financed places. Applicants who will not be able to enter the University could have time to submit applications to USURT colleges.   

- Are there any innovations in admission of students in 2019?

-Essential differences between terms of admission on programs of higher education and secondary professional education are not present. But there is one important factor concerning higher education: changes in legislation on targeted recruitment came into force this year. For example, the circle of the organizations and enterprises which can send applicants on targeted recruitment to higher education institutions of the Russian Federation has expanded, opportunities for signing of the contracts are increased. Organization can give the contract an applicant on targeted training, and we, taking this contract, recruit by a competition of quotas of targeted recruitment.

- What quota is this year?

- If to speak about specialties of a railway profile of higher education, the quota of targeted recruitment is 60-70% of the government-financed places and if to consider programs of a bachelor’s degree, a specialist program and a postgraduate degree, the ratio much less – 10% of the number of the government-financed places.  

- How does the University work within a year with school students to help them to enter the University?

- We work in various directions. Monthly, from October to April, we hold Open Days. We invite school students of 8-11 classes. Open Days at University are thematic - sports, creative, scientific. There is even the journalism! In addition, we organize the classes in schools with which we closely engage then.  Accordingly, the school students begin to study elements of railway industry, to understand railway specialties, and make an informed choice of the future profession by the time they graduate from school. There is also Small Transport University at USURT which actively cooperates with schools for a year. Moreover, school students from the different cities come to USURT for several days to feel like real students. They attend lectures, laboratory classes, participate in non-academic life of the University.  We give them various individual achievements which are taken into account upon entering USURT.

- How do you think why applicants choose this or that higher education institution?

- Firstly, all higher education institutions began to conduct an active professional orientation campaign so applicants could make an informed choice of the future profession. Secondly, the purpose of applicants now is – to find a good employment, get a certain status in society and have a decent salary. Therefore, we bring to school students all information on opportunities after graduation from the University, and they, in turn, make a conscious decision.

- What about government-financed places at the University?

- For admission of students on programs of higher education are 866 government-financed places this year. On the secondary professional education programs are 1065 places.

 - Is there a big competition on government-financed places?

- Passing scores are played an important role. To be sure more or less of successful entering the University on government-financed places it is necessary to have from 160 to 180 scores in major subjects – mathematics, physics and Russian.

If an applicant did not enter the University on the government-financed place, he can apply the documents for paid education.

- What specialties at USURT are more popular?

- If to speak about a bachelor’s degree, it is a mechatronics, construction (industrial and civil construction) and a classical railway specialty – railway operation.

- If school student has some achievements – participation in Olympiads, various awards … Do they take into account?

- Now, in rules of admission on programs of higher education and secondary professional education there is a concept "individual achievement". Individual achievements are defined by higher education institution. These achievements are important in general for the Russian Federation – for example, the GTO badge. For participation of applicants in our competitions which take place within a year we add scores too and each achievement has "price" -  maximum number of scores which can be reckoned in admission of students. This year we developed new individual achievement – participation in the competition "Young Railroader of the Urals". We hold this competition together with Sverdlovsk and South Ural Railway, and also with the Children's Railway which are in Yekaterinburg, Tyumen, and Chelyabinsk. Graduates of these railways can participate in a competition in which not only knowledge, but also technical creativity is estimated. It is possible to get the maximum quantity for this competition – 10 scores which will be added on to the general result upon entering USURT.

- Are most applicants from Yekaterinburg?

- Not only, we have applicants from all regions of the country, and even from remote settlements. For example, students from Yakutia and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District study at USURT. And if to speak about international scope, students from 15 countries of the world study at the University! Besides, we have very active programs of the international exchange.  

- Is it possible to provide everyone with the dormitories?

- We try to provide as much as possible places to non-resident students in the dormitory to make them feel comfortable to study and providing places happens by the geographical principle – the students who live in a radius of not less than 50 km from Yekaterinburg.

The University has a unique location, practically in the city center, but far from urban bustle in the park of 15 hectares. We created the most comfortable conditions for life, study and rest.

- Does the University monitor graduates?

- Yes, firstly, USURT is not only one of the top 100 higher education institutions of Russia according to «Expert» and WHITE SQUARE JOURNAL rating agencies, but also one of the top 10 educational institutions of Russia on employment according to monitoring of the Ministry of Sciences and Higher Education. Every year in February there is a commission to help graduates in finding jobs to which representatives of the leading companies of Russia are invited – they offer graduates decent jobs. Percentage of our graduates’ employment is more than 93%. This year USURT passed the state accreditation in all specialties and training areas and again confirmed the status of prestigious and popular University, – and it means that all our graduates received diplomas of the state sample.      

- Igor Lvovich, what would you like to say to the applicants-2019!

- Dear applicants! My advice is to choose specialty that you love. Make an informed choice and move towards the goal!

Anastasia Kirillova