Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
и преподавателя

«USURT Herald» Journal


Founder and publisher: The Ural State University of Railway Transport (USURT)

Editor-in-chief, science editor: Vasily M. Say, DSc, Professor

E-mail: vsay@usurt.ru

Script and copy editor: Lyudmila S. Baryshnikova

Address: 66 Kolmogorov Street, 620034, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Telephone: +7 (343) 221-24-67

E-mail: vestnik@usurt.ru

Web-site: www.usurt.ru/vestnik

About the scientific journal

USURT Herald contains the results of basic and applied research, experimental development in the field of transport, mechanical engineering, computer engineering and computer science, management, economics, philosophy, carried out by scientists of the University, the country and foreign scientists.

The stated thematic sections of the scientific journal don't limit the authors' choice of topic publication, as in the presence of interesting and relevant material, themes may be extended.

In addition, the scientific journal provides information on intellectual property, patents of interest, published monographs, theses, articles about famous scientists, new research areas and discoveries, about science development.

The founder and publisher of the scientific journal is FGBOU VPO "Ural State University of Railway Transport".

Founded in 2009.

Publication frequency - 1 time per quarter.

Printed version of the scientific journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Legislation in Mass Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage. The certificate of registration PI No. FS77-38188 of November 30, 2009.

The publication is registered in the International Center ISSN - number 2979-0392.

Subscription index in Russia's national catalog "Rospechat": 70070.

Information about published articles is regularly provided according to the prescribed form to RINC system (Russian Science Citation Index) (elibrary.ru).

Every issue of the scientific journal is sent to the Russian State Library, as well as to other leading libraries, educational and scientific institutions of the Russian Federation.

Articles received by the editors of "USURT Herald" scientific journal pass through the institution of review: internal and external review.

Any copyright infringement is prosecuted.

Reprint of materials from the scientific journal is allowed only by editors' agreement.