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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Powerful, colorful and bright «Spring USURT-2019»


Spring… For most USURT students this word is associated not with season and with rhythmical and fiery dances, modern and popular songs, funny and original jokes.

For almost two months on the University stage students were engaged in active collective work –decorated the hall, rehearsed, designed costumes… Fruitful work on a subject of «All the world is a stage, and all the men, women merely players!» resulted in the gala concert «Spring USURT-2019».

All participants set a goal to surprise the audience. The laser show was smoothly transferred to the fiery song and dance from activists of Electrotechnical Faculty.

Country dance of Building Faculty students put the audience into the atmosphere of happiness and joy, boys and girls showed their dance skills. The performance «Time does not exist» of Faculty of Economics and Management made everybody think on such irreversible resource of human life – the time.

«The Cossack folk dance» of Mechanical Faculty became the real symbol of courage and vigor. Boys showed their physical training, difficult dance elements and jumps on the stage. Performances of Operation of Transportation Processes Faculty students created the atmosphere of night and mysticism. Amazing voices of singers in the show of «Fall asleep» carried the audience away to dreamland and the «My Gods» of Mechanical Faculty urged all to follow their dreams.

A one-man show was about a two-faced student of Electrotechnical Faculty, A. Uvarin. The student played on the stage a dialogue of two characters different in everything.

Of course, «calling cards» of faculties were dances. Ballroom dances with popular and youth music showed students of Faculty of Economics and Management. The Operation of Transportation Processes Faculty dancing group with «Casino» became a competitor for them. Light background, youth outfits, loud dance music - this is all about «Magnitude» of Building Faculty.

The concert was not without surprises. Winners of the University competition «Mr. USURT» performed with «Forget-me-not».

Although the faculties competed among themselves, they normally are a friendly team.

Honorary jury members - G. Sakhnov, a film director, actor of theater and cinema, the Deputy Head of Assessment Center, monitoring of staff and youth policy of the Sverdlovsk Railways U.S. Nedovesov, an expert of the Ural Music Night festival, Head of KVN of USURT A.N. Nazarov, a showman, event manager, the art director of the loft "Leonid Isaakovich" R. Goryaev and a director of events, the screenwriter, the organizer of cultural events of USURT N.V. Volokhov – selected several best performances that the audience could estimate a highlight of «Spring» of each faculty.

Rector of USURT A.G. Galkin and Head of Department on Educational and Extra-curricular Work E.A. Romanova handed diplomas to active students for their enthusiasm and victories in creative competitions.

This time special guests of the gala concert became Head of Department of Educational Institutions of Roszheldor V.V. Tsaritsynsky, Deputy Head of the Sverdlovsk Railways of Personnel and Social Affairs D.A. Romanenko and also Vice Rector for Educational Work of Railway Higher Education Institutions.

All students of USURT look forward to the «Spring» every year. During the preparation of the concert the University plunges into the atmosphere of creation and friendship. With USURT to success!

Spiridonova Yulia
Photos by Nikolay Simakov