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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Representatives of universities from different countries and regions working within the framework of ERASMUS project arrived in the only transport university in the Ural for three days. The delegation included university teachers from Europe and near-abroad countries.

The work began with an acquaintance with USURT. The guests were welcomed by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs Nataliia Anashkina. She told about the University and its peculiarities, shared with guests information about intentions to work in the international project ERASMUS+.

- International activity in our university is active. Students from 15 countries of near and far abroad study here. International projects are implemented at university. Some of them work for a long time, and some projects we entered recently. Our long-standing partners are colleagues from Germany, Poland, Spain, and Kazakhstan. International activities in the field of logistics and transport are actively developing. By now we have analyzed all programs within the framework of international activity, have made a detailed analysis and have chosen the most promising areas of preparation with which we will work in the ERASMUS+ project. Both teachers and students will be trained. We hope that everything will be successful.

Representatives of the Technical University of Dresden (Germany), L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan) shared information with colleagues about the work in the project.

During a tour of the university guests visited the laboratories of Electromechanical Faculty, Operation of Transportation Processes Faculty and USURT Museum.

Tomorrow will be a busy day. ERASMUS+ project participants we will be discussing about innovations in the design and construction of high-speed railways.

Elena Krasulina
Photo: Dmitry Lisovenko